Is it safe to travel after surgery? Helping with some tips

travel after surgery

Hip and knee surgery can increase the risk of DVT that is deep vein thrombosis that increases the chances of formation of blood clots in your veins leaving you vulnerable. A lot depends upon the other factors that may contribute to making the DVT even worse. That includes pregnancy, a prior formation of a blood clot, a family history of DVT and being overweight. Therefore, you must be serious about your traveling needs post-surgery.

Who should use compression stockings?

When the assessment is done after the surgery and it is found that you have the chance of developing DVT then these should be worn. It generally happens, when you are not able to move for long durations after you have undergone surgery. If you have an operation that lasted for less than 90 minutes then the possibility of developing DVT increases.

So the duration and mobility factors contribute to making you wear these compression stockings. Surgery and safe travel become contrasting at times when proper care is not taken.

What about travel insurance?

If you have the travel insurance then do inform your policy agent about that so that the cost of travel insurance may go up. Also, check with the doctor for any vaccination that you should have. This can help with your traveling, thereby assuring your extra comfort!

Is it safe to travel after surgery

Inform the airlines beforehand!

This becomes a prerogative when you wish to have a safe traveling experience after surgery. Every airline has a different rule that is applicable to the patients who have undergone a knife. The airlines may have some requirements that the patient should meet, in case you are not sure then ask your doctor about it. He will go through the guidelines of the airlines and will write to the authorities that you meet the requirements stated.

If your return journey is from some other airlines, then you have to obtain the certificates from the airlines. You may also ask your travel agent to look into this too that will make the experience a bit less panicky for you.

Last but not least – ensure your comfort!

When traveling is for long hours, then discomfort is bound to be there. So ensure that you are sitting in those positions that make you a bit more comfortable and do not put a strain on your body. You can take the cushions and pillows that can support your back and rest of the body. Compression garments are also a good way out to have a comfortable stay.

As far as the painkillers are concerned, do consult a doctor for that so that no medical complications or drug reactions are suffered by you.